Dissolving your Ego

When the Soul incarnates on the Planet, it borrows different bodies: a physical body, an emotional body, and a mental body. All of these bodies allow you to interact with the experiences that life offers and reflect upon them. Your physical body allows you to feel pleasure and pain; your emotional body allows you to feel safe or afraid in order to survive; and your mental body is an amazing computer that absorbs all information the other two bodies pass on.

When you identify with these bodies, the ego is born to protect them. As a strategy to avoid suffering, the ego turns to its memories of the past so that it can create a better future. In doing so, the ego classifies everything in a polarising way: these are only pleasant or painful moments, safe or dangerous situations, good or bad experiences, etc.

The ego is crafted by the mind and therefore cannot live in the present, only in the past and in the future, through both fear and desire. In spite of its constant search for happiness, the ego is not able to manifest, as it exists only in the present. Happiness, according to the ego, will always be bound to the future.

Let’s do a simple exercise.

Observe your ego for a moment and analyse the ways in which it promises you happiness if a future goal is accomplished. The moment you manifest attaining that goal, you realise it won’t be long until your ego is again dissatisfied. Now its happiness depends on the next goal in line. The ego will continue to create and yearn for endless objects of desire in order to find happiness, which will always be ephemeral if sought for in the future rather than in the present.

And so it will be for life; thinking and longing, but not living.


*No previous experience or qualifications are required for you to study this workshop.

The details...

This workshop consists of 3 main blocks

1. Introductory talk

We start by talking about the following subjects:


What is the ego.


The difference between the ego and the Soul.


How the ego and suffering are born.


Why is suffering an illusion.


How the ego controls you.


How the ego prevents you from accepting and enjoying the present, keeping you in a state of constant fear and anxiety.


How the ego creates hundreds of attachments to everything that surrounds you.


Why the ego’s desires are insatiable.


The link between the ego and past lives.


How to retake control over the ego.


Reflection as one of the most powerful tools of the Soul.

  2. Alma Works meditation techniques

Learn as you practice the following meditations to dissolve the ego:


Identifying your Ego: Identify the false personality called ego, with the objective of recognizing that you are not it. Learn about your ego’s behaviors and about the beliefs and fears that create it and make it suffer.


Learning to Play the Game: Learn from the experiences that your Soul has asked to live, and start overcoming the fears and beliefs that have been born from these.

 3. Closure

An inventory of your learnings.


After knowing and experiencing the Alma Works techniques, you will have all the tools you need in order to start a continuous and disciplined practice in your daily life.
You’ll be able to lose the identification with your ego and dissolve suffering.

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